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keydown(Function) - Method in class self.philbrown.droidQuery.$
Set the function to call when a key-down event has been detected on this view.
Keyframe - Class in com.nineoldandroids.animation
This class holds a time/value pair for an animation.
Keyframe() - Constructor for class com.nineoldandroids.animation.Keyframe
keypress(Function) - Method in class self.philbrown.droidQuery.$
Set the function to call when a key-press event has been detected on this view.
keyup(Function) - Method in class self.philbrown.droidQuery.$
Set the function to call when a key-up event has been detected on this view.
killTasks() - Static method in class self.philbrown.droidQuery.AjaxTask
Stops all currently running Ajax Tasks

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