Packages that use ViewPropertyAnimator | |
com.nineoldandroids.view |
Uses of ViewPropertyAnimator in com.nineoldandroids.view |
Methods in com.nineoldandroids.view that return ViewPropertyAnimator | |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.alpha(float value)
This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated to the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.alphaBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated by the
specified value. |
static ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.animate(View view)
This method returns a ViewPropertyAnimator object, which can be used to animate specific properties on this View. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.rotation(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated to the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.rotationBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated by the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.rotationX(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated to the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.rotationXBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated by the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.rotationY(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated to the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.rotationYBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated by the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.scaleX(float value)
This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated to the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.scaleXBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated by the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.scaleY(float value)
This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated to the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.scaleYBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated by the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.setDuration(long duration)
Sets the duration for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.setInterpolator(Interpolator interpolator)
Sets the interpolator for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.setListener(Animator.AnimatorListener listener)
Sets a listener for events in the underlying Animators that run the property animations. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.setStartDelay(long startDelay)
Sets the startDelay for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.translationX(float value)
This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated to the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.translationXBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated by the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.translationY(float value)
This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated to the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.translationYBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated by the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.x(float value)
This method will cause the View's x property to be animated to the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.xBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's x property to be animated by the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.y(float value)
This method will cause the View's y property to be animated to the
specified value. |
abstract ViewPropertyAnimator |
ViewPropertyAnimator.yBy(float value)
This method will cause the View's y property to be animated by the
specified value. |