Uses of Class

Packages that use ViewPropertyAnimator

Uses of ViewPropertyAnimator in com.nineoldandroids.view

Methods in com.nineoldandroids.view that return ViewPropertyAnimator
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.alpha(float value)
          This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated to the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.alphaBy(float value)
          This method will cause the View's alpha property to be animated by the specified value.
static ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.animate(View view)
          This method returns a ViewPropertyAnimator object, which can be used to animate specific properties on this View.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.rotation(float value)
          This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated to the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.rotationBy(float value)
          This method will cause the View's rotation property to be animated by the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.rotationX(float value)
          This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated to the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.rotationXBy(float value)
          This method will cause the View's rotationX property to be animated by the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.rotationY(float value)
          This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated to the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.rotationYBy(float value)
          This method will cause the View's rotationY property to be animated by the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.scaleX(float value)
          This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated to the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.scaleXBy(float value)
          This method will cause the View's scaleX property to be animated by the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.scaleY(float value)
          This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated to the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.scaleYBy(float value)
          This method will cause the View's scaleY property to be animated by the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.setDuration(long duration)
          Sets the duration for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.setInterpolator(Interpolator interpolator)
          Sets the interpolator for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.setListener(Animator.AnimatorListener listener)
          Sets a listener for events in the underlying Animators that run the property animations.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.setStartDelay(long startDelay)
          Sets the startDelay for the underlying animator that animates the requested properties.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.translationX(float value)
          This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated to the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.translationXBy(float value)
          This method will cause the View's translationX property to be animated by the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.translationY(float value)
          This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated to the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.translationYBy(float value)
          This method will cause the View's translationY property to be animated by the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.x(float value)
          This method will cause the View's x property to be animated to the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.xBy(float value)
          This method will cause the View's x property to be animated by the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.y(float value)
          This method will cause the View's y property to be animated to the specified value.
abstract  ViewPropertyAnimator ViewPropertyAnimator.yBy(float value)
          This method will cause the View's y property to be animated by the specified value.