Uses of Class

Packages that use Property

Uses of Property in com.nineoldandroids.animation

Methods in com.nineoldandroids.animation with parameters of type Property
static PropertyValuesHolder PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat(Property<?,Float> property, float... values)
          Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property and set of float values.
<T> ObjectAnimator
ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(T target, Property<T,Float> property, float... values)
          Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between float values.
static PropertyValuesHolder PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt(Property<?,Integer> property, int... values)
          Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property and set of int values.
<T> ObjectAnimator
ObjectAnimator.ofInt(T target, Property<T,Integer> property, int... values)
          Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between int values.
static PropertyValuesHolder PropertyValuesHolder.ofKeyframe(Property property, Keyframe... values)
          Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder object with the specified property and set of values.
<V> PropertyValuesHolder
PropertyValuesHolder.ofObject(Property property, TypeEvaluator<V> evaluator, V... values)
          Constructs and returns a PropertyValuesHolder with a given property and set of Object values.
<T,V> ObjectAnimator
ObjectAnimator.ofObject(T target, Property<T,V> property, TypeEvaluator<V> evaluator, V... values)
          Constructs and returns an ObjectAnimator that animates between Object values.
 void PropertyValuesHolder.setProperty(Property property)
          Sets the property that will be animated.
 void ObjectAnimator.setProperty(Property property)
          Sets the property that will be animated.

Uses of Property in com.nineoldandroids.util

Subclasses of Property in com.nineoldandroids.util
 class FloatProperty<T>
          An implementation of Property to be used specifically with fields of type float.
 class IntProperty<T>
          An implementation of Property to be used specifically with fields of type int.

Methods in com.nineoldandroids.util that return Property
<T,V> Property<T,V>
Property.of(Class<T> hostType, Class<V> valueType, String name)
          This factory method creates and returns a Property given the class and name parameters, where the "name" parameter represents either: a public getName() method on the class which takes no arguments, plus an optional public setName() method which takes a value of the same type returned by getName() a public isName() method on the class which takes no arguments, plus an optional public setName() method which takes a value of the same type returned by isName() a public name field on the class